Hello all!
Este prima oara cand fac un NOTD. Am evitat sa fac acest lucru deoarece unghiile mele nu arata foarte bine deoarece au trecut prin niste procese chinuitoare de recuperare in urma aplicarii unor unghii false in gel. In plus, nici nu sunt foarte talentata!
Cand am auzit ca cei de la Flormar Brasov au adus si ojele Graffiti la standul lor am si mers si mi-am achizitionat o asemenea oja. Alegerea mea a fost oja Graffiti G07 rosu mat. Am folosit aceasta oja peste un alb sidefat no name. Cum nu am mai folosit pana acum o oja crapacioasa, mi-a luat ceva timp pana sa-mi dau seama cum si cat de repede se aplica. Poza aceasta nu reda exact culoarea ojei. Astept sfaturi de la voi in privinta aplicarii acestei oje.
Hello all! It is my first NOTD. I have been avoiding posting my nails because they do not look at their best due to some long and harmful process of recovery after having applied some false nails on them. When I heard that the people from Flormar Brasov brought at their stand Graffiti nail polishes I went there and bought myself one. My choice was Graffiti G07 matte red. I applied it on a no name pearly white nail polish. I have never used a crackle nail polish before, so it took me some time til I discovered how to use it. This picture does not show the actual shade of the nail polish. I wait for some advice from you on how to apply it.
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